Our Commitment
Our team is deeply committed to our users, and it shows
About the MBSQuoteline Analysts
The staff of MBSQuoteline combines years of experience in both the mortgage industry and the finance industry. The result is sophisticated economic analysis and news focused on the needs of the mortgage professional and delivered in concise, easy to understand language.

Scott Sanderson
Fresh out of The University of Texas (BBA 1983), my mortgage career began over 30 years ago as an Originator, and the road has taken me to my present capacity as President of MBSQuoteline. Early on, I learned first-hand that having live MBS pricing would make me a better originator. Fueled by the lack of good (and affordable) MBS market information available, in 1992 I founded Quoteline (remember the old 900 number?!), the first MBS market service tailored specifically to the origination community, and the predecessor to the modern-day MBSQuoteline. We have an awesome team, we love what we do, and 2017 marks our 25th anniversary of helping Originators and Secondary Departments make better, more profitable decisions and learn what makes the markets tick. Thank you, and if you’re ever in Austin, Texas come say hello! In the meantime, connect with Scott on LinkedIn.

Dan Alpert
Director of Economic Analysis
Dan graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with a degree in Economics. He became a discretionary foreign exchange trader for two years with the largest bank in Boston where he looked for trends in exchange rates and interest rates through technical analysis and economic research. He then spent three years as an equity analyst, researching investments for a $200 million hedge fund. Now, Dan is the leader of the economic analysis team, devoted to providing clients with the latest market information in a concise and easy to understand style. Want to learn more? Connect with Dan on LinkedIn.
About MBSQuoteline Careers
We don’t have a position to fill currently, but click below to drop us a note and let us know why you’d be a great addition to our team.
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All material Copyright © Ress No. 1, LTD (DBA MBSQuoteline) and may not be reproduced without permission. To learn more about the MortgageTime™ newsletter, please contact MBSQuoteline at 800.627.1077 or info@mbsquoteline.com.